Abu Dhabi

You are currently browsing articles tagged Abu Dhabi.

The only thing better than getting to see the world is getting to see it along with someone who means the world to me – thank you for everything…

… I can’t wait to see what comes next!

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On the sixth day of the trip, we went to Abu Dhabi (check out Lonely Planet’s interactive map here) and started with the marketplaces. Here’s another post from our trip blog. I’m also continuing to update my trip photos map – a never ending process at this rate! I have a lot more to post, and what I don’t get up before our Monday evening departure I’ll post from home base.

So, without further ado, Abu Dhabi markets:


I think few things taste as good as a chocolate covered date.

Fruits & Vegetables

The fruit and vegetables in these stands were so many beautiful colors.


This is a place of truly… amazing… smells – for people with strong stomachs only!

For the rest of the Abu Dhabi pictures, click below…

Abu Dhabi (January 2010)

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