DR Congo

You are currently browsing articles tagged DR Congo.

Setting pictures may seem pretty self-explanatory, but I think it’s good to think about what setting the scene really means. Dictionary.com lists several definitions including “the surroundings or environment of anything,” “the mounting in which a jewel is set,” and “the scenery and other properties used in a dramatic performance.” This is where everything – and sometimes nothing – happens. This is what is there before and after. It can influence mood and it can influence action.

Anyway… I thought I’d focus on examples.

New Zealand

The first four are from the Hawkes Bay area on the North Island, the last two are from Milford Sound on the South Island. For more NZ photos, please see the New Zealand link under Picassa.

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Lake Tekapo

This is from the South Island of New Zealand.

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Democratic Republic of Congo

The first three are from Kinshasa, the next five are from outside the capital. The next two are from Bukavu , on the south end of Lake Kivu(except for the middle one, which was taken in Walungu on the way back to Bukavu).

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the drive to Phoenix

This is from the drive down to Phoenix during the Big Move this summer. The first one, I think, is somewhere in Oklahoma. The second is coming down out of Flagstaff.

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These were taken on our quick visit this summer to scope the city and grab an apartment.

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Finally, this is what the crepe shop looks like from the street view.

2008-02-05 (14)*-mini

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I realized almost the moment I started this post that I could get in over my head pretty quickly. There is so much going on and so much needing coverage. So I’m going to keep this post pretty narrow, but I can assure you there will be future posts on issues in this region. If I leave stuff out, if you have questions about anything I’m not explaining well or leaving out, please, please talk to me know in the comments section – I’ll look up what I don’t know and go from there. OK. Diving in.

The Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA, is a rebel movement known for using brutal tactics and child soldiers during a long running conflict in Uganda. – Behind the LRA’s terror tactics

Children in Uganda are especially vulnerable, and often become “night commuters” to seek safety. – & Gulu Walk & Invisible Children

But as the conflict in Uganda ebbs and flows, the LRA often crosses the border into neighboring countries including DR Congo and Central African Republic, and bring their brutality with them. This month, disturbing new reports of LRA violence in CAR. – Rebel terror spreads to CAR

Violence in DR Congo has also been severe, as cited in these BBC reports from last year (which coincided with General Laurent Nkunda’s offensive near Goma, further south).
Congo terror after LRA rebel raids
BBC Slideshow on Congolese refugees

My awareness of the situation really deepened thanks to a classmate whose blog, Jackfruity, I just got added to my blog roll.

Ways to help kids in Uganda: The Invisible Children Campaign

And for kids in the United States: INVISIBLE CHILDREN: Kids at Risk Action (KARA) – Children’s Rights Advocacy Network

Next post: barring breaking news, will be a bit lighter after natural disasters and regional conflicts. But thanks for sticking with me so far. I like to think it’ll be worth it. Below, Uganda is in red, just to the east of DR Congo.

Central African Republic (CAR)

Central African Republic (CAR)

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When taking pictures like these, I’m rarely asked what I’m doing but frequently asked why. The thing about travel is that even the most ordinary things, like making lunch, can be so different.

(Jill took the last two of this set – she caught on to this concept before I did! In fact, looking at her pictures from the trip, sometimes from the same events, helped me realize what I was missing.)

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2008-01-17-Jill (1)-mini
2008-01-17-Jill (4)-mini

The outcome is the same – good food with friends and family, a priceless currency any time and any where.

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But remembering the process, being able to show it rather than just describe it, makes memory that much sweeter.

The last set of pictures for today are from a clothing shop where pieces, from piece cutting to decorative stitching, are made on site.

2008-02-01 (4)-mini
2008-01-22-Jill (87)-mini
2008-02-01 (5)-edit-mini

I learned so much from this trip, and “process pictures” were a tiny but important part. They help me remember what I experienced, and tell the stories to others.

Oh, and before I forget – a process video, my first :)

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