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A lull! A short break between work and school means one of two things : trip or break.

This time? A little laying back, a little relaxing – and in this case, a little remembering… Yep, here come a few more Dubai posts…

Before we visited Jumeirah Mosque, we were warned not to be disappointed – this was not, we were told, like the Sheikh Zayid Mosque in Abu Dhabi, which we’d already seen. They were right – it’s very different. The value of this mosque isn’t measured in its trappings and decorations. While it’s beautiful, Jumeirah Mosque’s real value lies in its congregation and the experience its members provide to guests and visitors.

A British woman led our tour, which started outside the mosque with a description of the washing ritual that cleanses worshipers before they attend services. Before we went left, Chrystall took photos as Evan attempted the ritual himself.

Once inside the mosque, our guide introduced us to the building and its community. She covered basic principles like the five pillars of Islam, described services and demonstrated prayers. She also took a wide range of questions from the audience, which had a people from all over the world and different experiences and backgrounds.

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