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Every year magazine publishers Conde Nast surveys their readers and publishes the result through CN Traveller as with this year’s edition of the Readers’ Travel Awards 2009. While the real expert on Conde Nast is my classmate Liz, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to look at one example of travel rankings.

Lists. Travel publications seem to love them. For almost any place you can imagine, there’s lists of restaurants, hotels, and sites you can’t afford to miss while visiting. And for every category of lists, there is the “Best Of” set. For the Readers’ Travel Awards 2009, the categories include: countries, overseas cities, airports, airlines, and trains. Definitely check out the airlines and trains for an idea of all the ways to get around.

It’s a great, exciting list of countries and cities – a fantastic set of possibilities. Since representation is low in central Africa, the Arabian peninsula, Asia, and both central and south America, I’ll add a few cities from my travel wish-list: Nairobi (an hour and a half simply wasn’t enough!), Lusaka, Dar es Salaam, Beirut, Aman, Damascus, Beijing, and Shanghai. Oh, and Asuncion, Mexico City, Santiago, Panama City, & Montevideo. Yeah, that’s a good start.

To be honest, there are prices tags on most of Conde Nast’s content, tags that’re a bit steep for a grad student budget. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the pictures and the articles. Subjects include everything from the Sechellyes to ski resorts, and London’s airports to Marrekech’s restaurants. There’s also advice from specific, like Guide to Plettenberg, to general tips and advice.

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