
You are currently browsing the daily archive for 2009/10/17.

Travel is not limited to the new & exciting – sometimes it’s returning to a place that’s familiar. As the White Stripes song says, I’m going to Wichita this weekend, for a wedding.

I’ve had family here all my life, and some of my earliest memories are of playing in my Grandma’s garden and my Grandpa’s workshop, and their little blue house on Sheridan. Time’s passed, many of us are in new places, and the paint has faded and peeled. Still the city itself doesn’t seem to change significantly, a plains city riding the business winds of the airlines providing much of Wichita’s industry base.

Anyway not so many picture/story opportunities yet, mostly running around with flights and rental cars and hotels and trying to get assignments and grading done in between, but I’ll give you what I’ve got so far, from the airport

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